The future of Dallas

Supporting education and innovation.

Every day Dallas ISD embraces 153,000 students from diverse backgrounds and leads them in their educational journey. The Dallas Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to accelerating the mission of the district -- educating all students for success, by investing in the innovative programs and transformative work of Dallas ISD. We ask you to join us as we invest in our students, teachers and schools to create greater opportunities for every child in Dallas ISD.


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Supporting education and innovation.

Every day Dallas ISD embraces 153,000 students from diverse backgrounds and leads them in their educational journey. The Dallas Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to accelerating the mission of the district -- educating all students for success, by investing in the innovative programs and transformative work of Dallas ISD. We ask you to join us as we invest in our students, teachers and schools to create greater opportunities for every child in Dallas ISD.

Our journey with our CHILDREN

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