Project dream big


Education is one of the last industries to be disrupted by technology says, Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa. While technology exists in and around the classroom - computing devices, on-line classroom tolls, educational games, there has never been an engaging singular platform that meets students where they are nor a learning management system that is integrated and leverages the power of gamification to accelerate student success.

"I want learning to be as hard to put down as a video game," said Dr. Hinojosa.


To that end, the Dallas Education Foundation is driving an initiative to develop a student-centric, virtual-based educational operating system and platform that engages our students, makes the lives of our teachers easier, and amplifies data so that our teachers know real-time how each student is performing. Classrooms must evolve, students need to stay engaged, and technology must be leveraged to create a learning environment that meets the demands of our teachers and the interest of our students.